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Shailene Woodley Interview Dec 01 2011

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10 Responses

  1. cathy says:

    Wow, spring water, really? I live in Carlsbad, and I just put a $5,000. water system in my house. I think I need to try the spring water.

    • Jenni Gaines says:

      Yup!!!! This water is sooooooooo good. I’m always telling people about it. We even give it to our sweet service dog.

      • Sonya says:

        Have you tested the pH? It’s acidic. I tested it and a couple other friends did too. What the heck??? So sad. We drive from Winchester to pick it up!

  2. Jenni Gaines says:

    If you live in Carlsbad and you are NOT getting this service????? Well, all I can say is you are missing out. If you are getting another service? You are REALLY missing out!!!! The BEST water is in our own back yard. This water is most likely what hey drink in heaven.

    Jenni…Long time Carlsbad resident

  3. Dotty says:

    We live in south Carlsbad. Our son told us about this excellent spring water, and now this TV scene puts it over the top. We’re going to visit the spring this afternoon.

  4. Staci says:

    Is this water free of fluoride?

  5. julia shriver says:

    Have u tested the water yourself?
    I did… It is 7.2 pH that it

  6. Stephanie says:

    I was recently introduced to this water (9/1/15) from my health conscious boyfriend. He procured a case from Costco in Carlsbad. The cost was $9.00 for 12, 1lLt bottles. Pretty pricey I thought!!! However, after my first drink, i noticed the taste and texture out weight the cost. I am a Acquafina lover and have since changed from the pricey 16.9FL Oz bottles (8.99 for 24 bottles) to the priceless Carlsbad Alkaline Water.

  7. Anabel Guzman says:

    Very good water. I work across the street from the water spring.

  8. Kathleen McGeorge says:

    Totally love love this water it is great!!!!

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